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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The A-Team Looks Awesome

A tank falling out of an airplane which is fired in the air. A fucking tank. There are times in action movies when technical ingenuity dominates the movie enough to take you out of the experience and prevent you from enjoying it... a tank falling out of an airplane is not one of those times. A tank falling out of an airplane is spectacular and amazing. Contrast this to say the end of Mission Impossible with a helicopter going into a tunnel and a helicopter blade thing nearly piercing Tom Cruise's neck. Lame.

I didn't know whether I wanted the guy playing Mr. T to say "I pity the fool" but by the end of the preview I felt relief. I mean, that's not to say that I will be devastated if he says it in the movie like Die Hard Bruce Willis' "yippy-ki-yay muthafucka." That might be good.

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