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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yes Man

Just one of the best movies ever. Liar Liar part II. Zoey Deschanel is adorable, Jim Carrey is funny but most importantly what an inspirational story. I sometimes find myself in this position after seeing a movie I love that I realize on some level it's not fantastic in the Godfather sense of the word, but this is the thing about talking about what movies are good... you must compare in context. So, of course, in the context of truly great movies it is merely entertaining but compared to merely entertaining movies (like Liar, Liar, Appaloosa, The Great Outdoors) it was fantastic.

I want to say yes to everything. I want to do all those crazy awesome things Jim Carrey does in that movie. And that's why the movie kicks so much ass. I also liked Seventeen Again for pretty much the exact same reason.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The A-Team Looks Awesome

A tank falling out of an airplane which is fired in the air. A fucking tank. There are times in action movies when technical ingenuity dominates the movie enough to take you out of the experience and prevent you from enjoying it... a tank falling out of an airplane is not one of those times. A tank falling out of an airplane is spectacular and amazing. Contrast this to say the end of Mission Impossible with a helicopter going into a tunnel and a helicopter blade thing nearly piercing Tom Cruise's neck. Lame.

I didn't know whether I wanted the guy playing Mr. T to say "I pity the fool" but by the end of the preview I felt relief. I mean, that's not to say that I will be devastated if he says it in the movie like Die Hard Bruce Willis' "yippy-ki-yay muthafucka." That might be good.